深圳市科海工業設備有限公司是一家致力於工業自動化開發設計、技術推廣的設備供應商。科海根據市場的發展,結合自己的技術經驗為客戶提供全套生產技術解決方案,為客戶提供更專業,更,更節能,更環保,更美觀的生產設備。 科海產品主要廣泛應用於電腦、電視、LCD、VCD、冰箱空調、電飯煲等家用電器行業,以及電子、塑膠、五金、儀器、食品、玩具、輕工、機電產品等行業。 公司產品有:物流輸送設備、流水生產設備、五金,塑膠噴塗設備,絲印烘乾設備;淨化環保設備。公司秉承“誠實做人、認真做事、開拓進取、精益求精”的經營方針,堅持以提高生產效率,以人為本的設計思想、實行顧客至上的服務宗旨。科海是您的生產顧問,設備專家。Shenzhen Kehai Industrial Equipment Co. Ltd. is an excellent equipment supplier who is working at the design of industrial automation and technical popularization. Based on our own good technology experience, Kehai can provide a professional, efficiency, energy-saving, environmental and artistic equipment to customers .Our products mainly used in the following area: Computer, TV, LCD, VCD, Refrigerator, air-conditioner, eletrical cooker etc. household electrical appliances and electron, plastic, metals, instrument, food, toy, light industry, mechanical and electrical products, etc.Our products including: equipments for logistics, equipments for production line, metal, plastic painting equipments, silk painting and drier equipments, environmental purified equipments.We take ‘honesty, initiative, improving, developing’ as our managerial principle, & ‘efficiency improving, customer first’ as our design & service philosophy, Kehai will be your loyal manufacture consultant and equipment specialist.