州愛博汽車零部件有限公司是生產汽車轉向系統,傳動系統零部件生產企業。公司擁有豐富的生產經驗和立的設計開發能力,加工設備,檢測手段完善。現已形成了轉向萬向節系列,傳動零部件系列,擁有16T-160T沖床生產流水線及模具加工設備等三大系列。公司通過了ISO9001:2000標準質量管理體系認證。在管理上公司堅持以人為本,格守“以的產品和誠信經營的服務”贏得顧客。 目前公司已經建立起一支朝氣蓬勃,團結向上,富有進取心的員工隊伍,加強規范化管理和過程控制,持續改進的質量方針智力于增強企業核心競爭力。公司目前已與國內多家汽車制造廠及生產汽車轉向管柱的廠家配套生產。產品出口歐美及東南亞等國..... 顧客的滿意是我們的追求,為顧客提供的產品和服務是我們的職責和宗旨!! Hangzhou aibo automobile spare parts co.,ltd ,is an auto parts manufacturer cturing experience,inde pendent product design and developent capabilities,complete processing equipment and perfect detection tools, it now has the seriies of gimbal yoke,transmission parts and 16T-160T punch streamline the ISO9001:2000certificate and win customers through talent-oriented management,excellent product and perfect service. with a united,committed and progressive team , it""s devoted to core competitiveness by means of standard management ,processcontrol and domestic auto manufacturing and production .exports are sold Europe and the united states and other countries in southeast Asia.... our mission is to provide customers top level productsand service and pursue customer satisfaction.