本公司成立于二00三年,坐落于重慶市永川區鳳凰工業園區,占地面積20000多平方米,建筑面積8000多平方米。 公司擁有一批從事生化研發的科技和管理人才,與多家科研機構和院校建立了緊密的技術合作關系,公司憑借雄厚的技術力量、的生產設備、完備的檢測手段、科學的管理機制、誠信的經營理念、務實的工作作風、健全的質保體系、優良的售后服務,以的工藝、創的質量,不斷地為客戶提供的產品與服務。我們的產品銷往全國各地,并出口日本、韓國及歐美等國家,產品深受海內外客戶信賴和好評。 本公司始終堅持“質量、客戶至上”的原則,秉承“先做人,后做事;以科技為依托,視質量為生命,服務中創效益,合作中立信譽”的經營理念,竭誠希望同更多的國內外廠商、貿易公司合作,攜手共進,共創新的輝煌! A Brief Introduction to Chongqing Hangyuan Amino Acids LTD. Co.Founded in 2003, Chongqing Hangyuan Amino Acids LTD. Co. is an enterprise specialized in the research, development, production and sale of amino acids, which is located in Fenghuang Industrial Park, Yongchuan District. Our corporation covers over 20,000 square meters with a construction area of more than 8,000 square meters. Our major products include L-cystine, L-semi-cystine, L-leucine, L-arginine, L-tyrosine, D-cystine, L-semi-cystine, compound amino acids powder and liquid amino acid fertilizer. Our corporation is equipped with a team of professinal technicians specialized in biochemical research and development and a team of professional management talents. We have established a close technical coorperation relationship wih many scientific&technical institutions and universities. With strong technical forces, advanced production equipment, complete testing means and scientific management, we have constructed a comprehensive quality assurance system and an excellent after-sales service network and provided the customers with first-class products and services. Our products have been sold throughout China and exported to Japan, South Korea and other European countries, which have won the trust and good comments from the customers both at home and abroad. Our corporation has insisted on the principle of “quality first, customer supremacy” and operated on the business value of “making profits from high technology, good q
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 重慶市航源氨基酸有限公司 |
企業法人 | 蘇剛 |
所在地 | 重慶重慶 |
企業類型 | 私營資企業 |
成立時間 | 2003-04-25 |
注冊資金 | 50萬人民幣 |
主營行業 | 生產 |
主營產品 | 生產,銷售氨基酸,含氨基酸葉面肥料,收購豬毛,羽毛 |
主營地區 | 重慶市永川區紅河中路1115號 |
經營模式 | 服務型 |
經營范圍 | 生產、銷售氨基酸、含氨基酸葉面肥料;收購豬毛、羽毛。(以上范圍法律、行政法規禁止的項目除外;法律、行政法規限制的項目取得許可后經營)■ |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 402160 |
公司電話 | 13996010414 |
- 蘇剛
- 重慶
- 生產
- 生產,銷售氨基酸,含氨基酸葉面肥料,收購豬毛,羽毛
- 重慶市永川區紅河中路1115號
- 蘇剛
- 023-49448028
- 重慶市航源氨基酸有限公司
- 402160
- 重慶市永川區紅河中路1115號
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